
Monthly Archive


Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find totaly 107 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

Fundraising begins for assisted living complex

After two years of planning and research, the Turtle Mountain Heritage Development Group (TMHDG) is ready to commit to an assisted living complex. The decision was made recently to start moving on ... read more..

AED defibrillator helps save life at Bowling Alley

They might not be used much, but the Automated External Defibrillators have already shown their value in Boissevain. The one at the curling rink, donated by the UCT, got its first workout on the ev... read more..

Minto School receives $33,000 for outdoor court

The generosity of a former Minto resident continues to pay dividends on different levels for the community. The Lloyd and Elsie Campbell estate will be giving the community at least $55,000 per yea... read more..

Building up, building down on Broadway

An older building is down, while a newer one is coming up on Broadway Street. On Thursday, November 23, the old funeral home was knocked down. The building was purchased by Dan Meaud, who also took... read more..

Full house discuss health care future

Regardless of whether or not the task force’s recommendations get forwarded to the Province, no one can accuse the people of Boissevain-Morton of indifference toward the future of heath care in their ... read more..

In with the new... New mayor looks to priorities

  The new head of Boissevain-Morton Council is looking to continue the successful work of the municipality until the next election and then see what his future will bring. Veteran Councillor David... read more..

End of an era as Mayor Anderson steps down

A change in the mayoral chair in 1989 did not look like such a big deal at the time. But here we are in 2017 facing the move again for the first time since. On Monday, Mayor Ed Anderson, after near... read more..

Retired CAO proud of community accomplishments

For more than twenty years, Boissevain-Morton CAO Lloyd Leganchuk was the quiet, steady and determined backbone for community growth and development. He gives credit to everyone involved, but does tak... read more..

Winter stops Highway #10 project, 80% complete

Despite the best plans of mice and men, Highway #10 will not be completed in 2017. Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation is finishing up what it can for the winter and planning to get right back ... read more..

Passerby samaritan helps crash victim on #10 highway; voices concern about ambulance service cuts

A recent accident south of Boissevain demonstrates why locals are worried about plans to pull ambulance service from the community. According to RCMP, who were called in at 12:15pm on Saturday, Oct... read more..

Introducing the Goethals Family

When you listen to Blair Goethals talk about farming, you can hear passion in his voice. That passion spans four generations of Goethals farmers in Deloraine, Manitoba. Blair’s grandfather started the... read more..

RCMP issue warning after youth on bike hit near school

Local RCMP are calling for everyone to take serious safety precautions on #10 Highway due to the combination of road construction and the school location. An accident on Wednesday, October 11 demon... read more..

UCT celebrates 20 years of service

Although they might fly a bit under the radar, the United Commercial Travellers in Boissevain have been active in making the community a better place for 20 years. The official birthdate for the lo... read more..

$4.5 million in upgrades for Boissevain School

It has been a long time since the outside of Boissevain School has seen some work. It should look a little more refreshed in 2018. Considerable updating is planned for the east side of the original... read more..

Energy and dedication recognized, 5-blooms for Mayor Ed Anderson

  Canada’s 150th birthday was a special one for Boissevain beautification, with an extra appropriate award for the founder of the efforts. September 16 was the date for the national award ceremoni... read more..

Results 1 - 30 of 107